Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New Work in a New Gallery

A close friend of mine has recently opened a gallery in downtown Dover, New Hampshire. The gallery is called Lucy's Art Emporium (
This gallery showcases fine art, retro home accessories, and hand-crafted items made by local artists.

I have a few items on display at Lucy's. These include some of my recent key prints, some fun postage stamp magnets, and hand made stuffed animals.

Key Monotype

Postage Stamp Magnets

Crocheted Animals

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Key Prints

I took a little break from painitng and started playing with printmaking again. I cut a group of key stamps from rubber to create the prints below. The key stamps are all actual size so some of the prints I have made are pretty small.
Most of the keys are from old apartments, houses, cars, locks, etc. Many of the keys I have long since forgetten where they go but I just couldn't throw them away.

Below are the key stamps that I have cut.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Enormous Tiny Art Show at Nahcotta Gallery

I will be participating in the 6th Enormous Tiny Art Show at the Nahcotta Gallery in Portsmouth, NH. The show runs from September 2nd till the 28th and the opening will be Friday, September 4th from 5 to 8. This show features wonderful works of art that are each under 10 inches. These shows are a lot of fun and there is always a large variety of very creative pieces.
This is the announcement for the show. You can visit the gallery's tiny art website at You can also visit their flickr page to view all of the many, many pieces that will be in the show. This page is updated pretty frequently
Below are some of the pieces that I will have in the show.

Market and Court Streets

Portsmouth Ave. and May St.

State Street to Dover

Water Street

Dover Mill

Washington Street

Union St. to Exeter

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New work in YES Gallery & Studio

I now have a few paintings in a gallery in Warren, Rhode Island. The gallery is called the Yes Gallery & Studio. You can visit their website at
Below is the announcement for their next show. My painting is the one on the lower right corner of this postcard. It is titled Flair and Chapman.

The paintings below are a few of my other pieces that are part of this show.

Pierce Street Power lines

Behind Dane Street

Saturday, April 25, 2009

New work in Newburyport

I am now showing some painting in a gallery in Newburyport, Massachusetts called Valerie's Gallery.

I will have work on display for May, June and July. Which, if you ask me, are the best times to visit Newburyport. For more information about Valerie's Gallery please visit her website at

The paintings below are some of my newest work which will be at Valerie's Gallery these next few months.

Charnock Street

Congress Street Powerlines

Green House on Milton Street

Knowlton and Ocean Blvd.

Mechanic Street

Yellow House on Madison

Print Show in Rochester

This May I will have some work in the Artstream Gallery in Rochester, New Hampshire.

I will be participating in "The Incredible Print Show" which will run from May 1st till June 26th.
This show features over 40 artists and showcases a huge variety of printmaking processes.
I will have four pieces on display including the piece below.

Turquoise Houses
For more information and to view more of the artwork that will be on display, you can visit Artstream's website at

Art Festival in Dover

May 9th is going to be a very busy day! I will be participating in two art auctions and one art festival.
The Art Festival will take place in downtown Dover, New Hampshire at One Washington Center.

I will be selling small paintings, prints, handmade books, and jewelry made from recycled materials.

This is the second year that this event will take place. Last year's festival was a lot of fun for everyone involved. There were many artists selling their original pieces, dancing, music, food, and fun events for kids to get involved in.
For more information on this event you can visit the website for One Washington Center at
I hope to see you there!

Habitat for Humanity Auction

I have donated a painting to the Habitat for Humanity's auction, "Home is Where the Art is". I thought it was pretty appropriate for me to participate in the auction since they are trying to raise money to build houses and I paint houses!

This auction is on May 9th and takes place in downtown Portsmouth.

Below is the link to a larger version of the poster for this event:

Montserrat Art Auction

I will be participating once again in Montserrat's "Artrageous!23 Auction" this year.

This is an art auction that raises financial aid money for students who attend Montserrat College of Art. This is an annual event and it is always a blast. There are some pretty amazing artists who participate each year.

Olympic Theatre

This year's event takes place on Saturday, May 9th. There is more information on their website along with a great virtual gallery where all of the donated artwork can be viewed.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Group Show at the Lamont Gallery

i am currently in a group show at the Lamont Gallery. this gallery is part of Phillips Exeter Acadamy which is located in exeter, new hampshire. this show includes a varitey of work from the staff and faculty members who work at Phillips Exeter.
here is the link to the Lamont Gallery's website
to see more about this show you can visit
(my piece is shown at the bottom of the page)
this show is open Wednesday, Feb. 18 till Saturday, March 7th and the gallery hours are: Monday 1-5 and Tuesday through Saturday 9-5.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Show in Atlanta, Georgia

i have just recently been invited to participate in a show in atlanta, georgia called "Spotlight on ART"
the website for the show is and my work is in the contemporary art section of the show.

this is an art show / sale that features several hundred artists from around the country. the pieces below will be included in the show this february.

TFS Auto Body

Agawam Auto

Commissioned painting

this past summer i moved back to new hampshire. after setting up my studio i jumped right into working on a very large painting for a family living on the new hampshire seacoast. this commissioned piece is about 4 feet tall and over 3 feet wide. i began working on it in july and completed in the painting in november.